Our company publishes exclusively fantasy novels. However, there are various sub-genres that we love to produce! Items with an asterisk* next to them are genres that we are actively seeking for 2018.
High Fantasy
Urban Fantasy*
Gaslamp Fantasy*
Alternate History
Fairytale Noire*
Juvenile Fantasy*
Fairytale Reboot
Mythic Fantasy
Fantasy Comedy/Satire
Military Fantasy*
Interactive Media
Each year, IFM features seven authors to work on serialized stories. These are converted into “Choose Your Own Adventure” games. These games are rated using the same ratings systems as major motion pictures. Most featured are PG to PG-13. We recommend that parents play games prior to allowing children to play. All Interactive Media authors have been chosen for 2018. If you would like to be considered for 2019, please email
We also sell select IFM merchandise, as well as personalized merchandise for our books and media.