Intro to American Indian Studies

Summer 2018

Week 2-Post 2 Cal Young

Today in we had the company of Niigaan Sinclair, who is a native of a tribe in Manitoba, and he was able to touch on many valid points throughout our discussion. One of the most interesting points was that the non-natives suffer more sexual assault than any other race, and the government refusing to acknowledge the fact that this vicious occasions still happen. The case of Savanna Greywind shows that native women are shown as objects and not actually humans.

We also talked about the difference between the western expansion of the settlers against the natives in the United States and Canada. I found it very interesting that the same cruel acts that happened in the United States, with the Yuki tribe in California, also occurred in Canada by their federal government. The constant abuse and genocide of American Indians across North America proves that the federal governments think that they are superior to the tribes and looks at them as an object capable of being terminated.

To finish our discussion with Sinclair we talked about the nature of football and how football is essentially a game of land thief. So, when they use native terms in sports it is offensive because they are not showing respect to the tribal culture.

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  1. jcramos June 21, 2018

    I feel the same way Cal it was really interesting and mind blowing on how much they are raped and the fact that no one will do anything about it. It was also very crazy learning about how the same thing that happened to the American Indians happened to the Canadian Indians but in a federal government way. it still is crazy learning about the dark truth and way we have mistreated the people who inherited this land before us. It does kind of confused on the mascot thing I don’t think it is that big deal.

  2. seanjr81 June 21, 2018

    Cal i’m glad i wasn’t the only one us who thought this, but even with me being a football player and that being what I have chosen to do with my life I agree completely. I am even from Oklahoma so when the speaker talked about the Oklahoma Sooners and how basically racist it is so be a Sooner and run out on the field in the way or matter that they do during touchdowns sent me in complete shock. The speaker easily made me think of a whole other side of what I have in my mind with what the Indians have said about the mascots, at first I thought it was’t really a big deal but now I am behind the Indians completely on changing the names.

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