Hurricane Harvey has come and gone and the aftermath is devastating. Thousands of homes and businesses have been destroyed leaving the residents of Texas in need of help. While Harvey overstayed its welcome, leaving a mess in Huston’s home, another storm is making its way to Tampa, Florida’s front door.
Hurricane Irma started its wrath Sunday causing more damage and pain to U.S. residents after a direct hit on Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. College students you know what do to. Another week without the luxury of pizza seems like a small sacrifice to help someone so desperately in need. Below are three more ways college students can contribute to the Hurricane relief efforts.
1 Unicef: This organization is dedicated to helping children during times of crisis. With 90% of every dollar donated going right to children, you can know your money is going to a good cause.
2 GoFundMe: Chances are if you’re a college student you already know about this donation website. GoFundMe has set up a Direct Impact Fund so people can easily donate to reliable Hurricane relief pages.
3 American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals: All college students have a soft spot for animals. ASPCA is asking for donations to help animals and pets affected by the storms. All of the money donated goes to help a furry friend in need.

In a time where it feels like we sacrifice so much as college students trying to get by, we often forget how fortunate we are. As the world’s future, us college students must help those affected by Hurricane Harvey and Irma. Please consider skipping your night out this week and give your money to those who need it most.