There’s a lot of talk about the new Republican Senator George St. George and the new law getting ready to pass in Iowa. The new law will now view sharing your Netflix subscription password with another person to be a criminal offense. While some see this as harsh, it’s an intelligent step for Iowa.
Iowans, and all people for that matter, should be held responsible for paying their rightful debts and fees. While some might view a Netflix password as innocent, it’s not. You wouldn’t share your water with a fellow friend or not pay for your mail, would you? In my eyes a subscription service to one of the most popular apps of our generation is no different.
The RIAA is actively fighting for the rights of artists and groups who deserve the pay they aren’t receiving. The problem of not paying for media has been around since online sharing began but the battle is still being fought. Artists and creators are still lacking the funds the so truly deserve and states can do something about this.
The other good news is that this will hopefully not come as a big change for Iowans. The people of Iowa tend to have great character and moral guidelines which makes this law an easy thing to put into place.
Other states should look to this forward-thinking model and take notes over what a little bit of good can do for a state, community, and individual. As for Iowa, accept this bill with open arms and stay “Iowa Nice.”