Engl 250 – Written, Oral, Visiual, and Electronic Composition
The title above is the only place you’ll see it written out throughout the semester. Most of the time, you’ll either see “Multimodal Comp” or WOVE. The purpose of this class is to both analyze and compose multiple forms of communication. This means that while you will be writing, you’ll also be creating things like infographics, screencasts, podcasts, and more. You will be analyzing claims (arguments) and building your own, as well as using primary and secondary research within major assignments. If there is a type of multimedia that you would like to try out, please let me know and we can explore it!
Class time will be used for a variety of activities. We will always discuss the readings, so make sure to keep up with those. There will also be group projects that are done as classwork, presentations, and time to work on major assignments. Each semester, there is time set aside for one-on-one conferences as well.