Helping Hands to Harvey

Hurricane Harvey has caused a tremendous amount of damage in various cities in Texas. This category five hurricane unleashed 33 trillion gallons of water, damaging homes, tearing apart families, and separating animals from their owners. According to the Washington Post, the rain Harvey produced would have ended the historic California drought, twice.

With at least $23 billion worth in property damage, over 200 Red Cross shelters, and a death toll of 70 people, it’s hard to look past all the destruction and despair. But this hurricane, while tragic, has brought many together, and no amount of rain and no matter how high the wind mileage can stop the amount of donations and help being sent South.

The five living former presidents created a fund, One Appeal America, to raise money for victims of Hurricane Harvey. The appeal was a rare showing of unity in the political world. One Appeal America will distribute money to two charities, the Houston Harvey Relief Fun and the Rebuild Texas Fund.

The Mexican Red Cross teamed up with the American Red Cross and assisted in supporting sheltering and distribution efforts, and also connected with Spanish speaking disaster survivors to keep them informed about support available to them.

People aren’t the only beings being rescued, but animal safety advocated have joined forces to save animals affected by Harvey. Organizations like Wings of Rescue, Humane Society of the United States and the Best Friends Animal Society are working together to fly homeless dogs and cats who already populated shelters to facilities in other parts of the country. Those animals will go up for adoption in their new location while Texas shelters make room for lost or abandoned pets.

Anyone can donate to help Hurricane Harvey. Whether that’s contributing to One Appeal America or donating to Best Friends Animal Society. While the storm may cause and irreplaceable amount of damage and pain throughout Texas, it can’t stop people from coming together to bring the area help and support.

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