Rescuing Man’s Best Friend

As Hurricane Harvey continues wreaking havoc across areas of Texas, volunteers and service men and women continue to help victims… including the animals.

As soon as flood waters from the hurricane began to rise, the Best Friends emergency response team touched down in Texas, immediate assisting with rescuing and searching for animals. Along with the Best Friend emergency response team, animals have received help from The National Guard, U.S. Department of Justice, AFT, and numerous fire departments. When they have downtime, many of them volunteer to assist with rescuing animals.

It’s heart warming hearing about the men and women in uniform sharing their love to help people with their love and willingness to help the animals while they’re off duty. Whether they’re rescuing an animal in need, or taking the saved for walks and provided them with love, and lots of food thanks to donors.

How can you donate? Visit to donate and also locate various other partners that need your help. Valor and Violet, a local hair salon here in Ames, is also accepting bags of dog food that they will ship to Texas.

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