With Halloween comes fun costumes, lots of candy and a sense of community. Neighbors open their doors for strangers in search of treats and maybe a trick or two.
To ensure safety within the community, senator Joyce Mc Joyce has proposed a bill that limits the ages of trick-or-treaters to ages 12 and under. Mc Joyce believes that by limiting the ages of children on the hunt for candy, she increases the comfort of home owners and parents with children partaking in the nights events.
The bill states that anyone over the age of 12 must stop trick-or-treating by 8 p.m. Fines vary by city, but top off at $150.
Many other cities in various states have already passed this law, and have created a fun and safe atmosphere throughout the community.
Mc Joyce believes the majority of teens generally lose the appeal to trick-or-treat at the age of 13 anyway, which explains her reasoning for choosing that specific age.
Mc Joyce states that safety and security is a top priority with this bill.