December 12, 2016

Final Bibliography

  1. Bartholomae, David. “Inventing the University.” Journal of Basic Writing 5.1 (1986): 4–23. Print.

  2. Bizzell, Patricia, and Bruce Herzberg. “‘Inherent’ Ideology, ‘Universal’ History, ‘Empirical’ Evidence, and ‘Context-Free’ Writing: Some Problems in E. D. Hirsch’s The Philosophy of Composition.” MLN 95.5 (1980): 1181–1202.

  3. Elbow, Peter. “Bringing the Rhetoric of Assent and the Believing Game Together–and into the Classroom.” College English 67.4 (2005): 388-399.

  4. Foss, Sonja K., Griffin, Cindy L. “Beyond Persuasion: A Proposal for Invitational Rhetoric.” Communication Monographs 62 (1995): 2-17.

  5. Gee, James Paul. What Video Games Have to Teach Us about Learning and Literacy. Revised and Updated. New York, N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillian, 2007. Print.

  6. Gerald, Amy S. “Review of Rhetorical Listening: Identification, Gender, Whiteness.” Composition Studies 35.1 (2007): 142–145.

  7. Leonard, Lynn, et al. “Defining the Shape of Diversity Pedagogy.” Teaching Inclusively, edited by Mathew L. Ouellett, New Forums Press Inc, 2005, 46-57.

  8. Martin, Christine. “Teaching Inclusively: The Whole is Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts.” Teaching Inclusively, edited by Mathew L. Ouellett, New Forums Press Inc, 2005, 125-139.

  9. McVey, James, and Woods, Heather S. “Anti-racist Activism and the Transformational Principles of Hashtag Publics: From #HandsUpDontShoot to #PantsUpDontLoot.” Present Tense: A Journal of Rhetoric in Society 5.3 (2016): 1-12.  Web. 24 Aug 2016.

  10. Miller, Carolyn R. “Genre as Social Action.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 70.2 (1984): 151–167.

  11. Ratcliffe, Krista. Rhetorical Listening: Identification, Gender, Whiteness. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 2005. Print.

  12. Taylor, Betty Jeanne, et al. “Utilizing Intersectionality to Engage Dialogue.” Intersectionality and Higher Education, edited by Donald Mitchell, Jr., Peter Lang Publishing Inc., 2014, 229-231.

  13. Vygotsky, L. S. Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. Ed. Michael Cole et al. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1978. Print.