Intro to American Indian Studies

Summer 2018

Zach Ross Post 1

Based on the discussion in class today I don’t feel its fair for the federal government to be able to just dismantle a tribe. For example if a tribe was making good money they would just shut it down. They would just turn the land into the government and start taxing the Indians. This wasn’t fair to the tribes because they weren’t used to paying property taxes and business taxes. This shut down many businesses that the tribes owned. It was also not fair they they could just relocate a tribe from one place to another. This isn’t fair to the native people because their lives are in one place and they expect them to just get up and start a new life somewhere else.

I also feel that when non-native people would go onto native land and commit crimes and wouldn’t get punished for it is not right. Those cases would just fall through the crack and everyone would forget about it. But on the other hand when native people would commit a crime on their land they would get punished. This is not being equal to the natives even though its their own tribes land, it should not of happened and should have been stopped right away.

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1 Comment

  1. caleby June 19, 2018

    As you stated above, it is unjust for the federal government to have rule over the tribal communities. The federal government is truly an outsider to the native americans, so they don’t have a valid perspective on the tribal communities. I feel that it should be fair for tribes to have their own type of government by themselves and for themselves. This is just another example of America’s unfair ruling over any tribe in the United States.

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