Intro to American Indian Studies

Summer 2018

Brandon Engelstad Week 3 ~ Post 1

This week, we watched a video that was very eye opening to the problem with the Washington Redskins team name. The video called, More Than a Word talked about the issues with not only the Redskins, but with all of the teams with racist names and logos. Before watching this video, I did not realize how much these issues were relevant to the Natives of today. I thought it was interesting how defensive the fans were of the name. I understand that it has been years of traditions for the team, but when a group of people come forward and say that it is insulting to their entire race, then something should be done. But sadly, the fans used the excuse of it “honoring” the Native Americans. That is the part that boggles my mind the most. If someone says it is insulting, then it’s insulting. You can’t say something is honoring if no one of that culture sees it that way. Now, in the video, they did say some didn’t find it offensive, but I highly doubt any of them really found it honoring. Anyways, the length that the fans went to defend the name was just annoying. They would make up all of these excuses an not listen to the natives. There was one lady who put something on social media about changing the name, and people responded with such hate. They threatened her, insulted her, and one man even told her to commit suicide. I can understand not wanting to change the name, but to degrade someone in such a way is just wrong. How can they be so insensitive? I bet all of the people who are defending the name, don’t really understand the history behind the Natives. If they knew what we knew, they wouldn’t be so quick to fight for a name that is racist.

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  1. Jake June 29, 2018

    I completely agree with what you’ve addressed above.

    I’m not a huge sports fan so I can’t really say that I’ve had a lot of faith in a team nor have I really cared who has won what game. I’m not sure why sports fans are so attached to their team’s name. I understand that the game itself is fun and entertaining to some, however that name of the team and what their mascot is shouldn’t really matter. If people really cared for the sport, in my opinion, it shouldn’t matter what the team’s name is. Obviously a vast majority of Native Americans find the name offensive and they’re right to do so. I don’t see why it hurts others so much to be considerate to others.

  2. mkthomps June 29, 2018

    I think as communities try to take ownership of a team they continue to relegate the native struggle to something that happened in the misty past. What’s worse is the longer it stays entrenched in our culture, the harder it becomes to shed completely.

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