Intro to American Indian Studies

Summer 2018

Zach Petersen Post 1

Today in class talking about boarding schools I have realized how bad they were, there was some good things that happened with the boarding schools. Giving them technical skills and farming skills are very useful because with an ever changing word is native Americans are able to stay up on there skills they will be to provide more for their families. With bringing the natives together it was helped end tribal wars because the kids who will eventually take over the tribe are now friends with all sorts of other people form other tribes, kinda like we talked about in class using football to compare. When you bring people from different walks of life together in a new place and put changes in front of them they will form a bond and become like a second family.

There were a lot of cons though that came from these boarding schools because it caused separation from families, they are causing loss of culture and then being forced to learn a new culture. Imagine being a little kid all of a sudden you are taken from home, forced to learn a new way of life and then when you go back home you aren’t able to interact with your family because the schools have beat your culture out of you.

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  1. seanjr81 July 2, 2018

    I liked how you showed the pros and cons of the boarding schools, I really cant believe we treated them the way that we did but through all the bad there was a few goods that came with all of it. I feel as if the farming was the probably the biggest and best one that came from it because once they got out of the schools they could go back to the tribe and help with the farming and show new ways to the older and young kids. The worst thing that I think we talked about on the boarding schools was probably the rape and the burial sites outside out of the schools, some graves were found with baby children inside the young females which is a clear way of seeing how they were treated by their instructors.

  2. mikerose July 5, 2018

    I definitely know what your talking about, because I was lucky to do my presentation on them. I’m really glad I got to go into depth about this topic because it really upsets me. The best way to describe what the United States was doing was that they were trying to “Kill the Indian, Save the Man”. This is so frustrating because what right to we have as a country to try to get rid of Native American culture. It doesn’t make any sense. They should have just educated these people and let them still speak their languages and dress they wanted to dress. But hey this is the U.S. right? By now we all know this is the norm for us.

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