Talking about the apologies give by Canada, Australia, and the United States has really shown how each country looks at what they have done. Canada a country that did many of the same things as the United States in putting native kids in schools and forcing them to learn their ways and forget their culture. The Canadian government back in 2008 decided that they need to recognize what they and that it was not ok. So the government made a public thing to say that they are sorry for what they did and they put it in writing and passed it through their government. They also said i’m sorry in three native languages and french and english to say that the natives are equal to them. Australia did something very similar they made it a public thing so that everyone knew what was going on and why they need to apologize to the native people. Both of these countries made it a public thing so that everyone was aware that they had messed but where apologizing for it. Where as the United States all they did was put a few paragraphs in a giant 285 page bill. No one knew that they did this it was not made a public thing like the other counties. I think that the United States needs to come out and make a public announcement that they are sorry for what they did and give the native americans a settlement for all they have been put through.
makayla7 July 3, 2018
Zach, I agree with your stance on this. I feel that the United States should come out and make a bigger statement. I wonder how many citizens actually saw the States’ apology. I’m not sure about Australia’s apology, but I know that Canada’s apology was televised. On top of this, both Australia and Canada’s statements were sincere and their own separate documents while, like you said, the US apology was a small portion in the middle of a long bill and they never actually apologized, they kind of just acknowledged that it happened. It was never made public. Also, the US Government apologized two years after Canada and Australia.