In the beginning of the film Wind River, as they drive into the reservation it sends a strong message because the american flag is turned upside down as a sign of disrespect for the government that pushed them into that super remote location. They also show the some of the tribal members standing around a fire burning some wood to try and stay warm because the trailer home they have to live in is not warm enough. When the grandmother is giving the FBI member close she tells the FBI agent that it is not a gift and that she expects it back right away. I thought this was a way to stop the stereotype that natives are super giving people. They are ok with helping someone out but they are just giving things to people.
When they are in the morgue talking about the body and what happened they all agreed that it was a homicide but for some reason they can’t buy it as a murder which will then make it so that the FBI agents can’t come and try figure out who killed the girl which would make it so that the tribal police has to figure it out and with only 7 officers total covering an area the size of rhode island the odds of them actually figuring out who did it are slim to none. Watching this film has made it really easy to put what we learned in class and tie it into this movie and realize that it is pretty factual and not just a bunch of stereotypes.
avestoll July 16, 2018
I actually had a different take on the grandmother lending the FBI women the clothing. I saw it as she was protective of the clothing because it belonged to her granddaughter who was killed in a similar incident to the one that was occurring in the movie, a few years before. I also think this was showing that Native Americans are taken advantage of so often and they are tired of being walked all over and disrespected. They are showing that yes, you can borrow the clothing because you need it, but have enough respect for me and my people to return it to the rightful owner.
jcramos July 16, 2018
Zach Wind River is a great movie that I suggest everyone in this class to watch. Zach points out how they already start with all of the stereotypes of them being selfish people who want everything they give out. That is not the case the native people are actually very giving to a lot of people in this world. The movie is actually not to bad with bashing the Indians. Movie is a great flick because at the same times helps us tie in stuff we have learned in class to this movie.