I found the book we have been reading, Marrow Thieves, to be very interesting. It is unlike any book I have ever read before. I’ve never read anything related to American Indian studied and thought it was a great read. Even though it is based off of Canadian government structures, it can still apply to the United States because of how similar the natives conditions were during that time. Something that I thought about while reading was the purpose of the story. I had the idea that maybe the author created this story to share with the world her fears of the future. Since the book takes place in the future, and it describes what natives lives are like, constantly on the run from government officials trying to take them and force them to work. It is no way anyone should be living. For this reason, I feel the author creates this story to bring awareness of her fears of what could happen to native people again if they are not protected and people are not educated enough about them. Things like this could very well happen if we do not stop and reevaluate our actions now is what I think the author was trying to convey.

July 17, 2018