Today in class we watched a short film about Wendigo, a monster that the communities tell their children to scare them away from getting in trouble. The starts as a woman wondering around a city in ruins trying to avoid the white soldiers. She eventually stumbles upon a auditorium full of imprisoned natives that the Wendigo has captured. At first, the woman is timid to encounter the creature, but then finds the courage to confront the Wendigo and talk to the creature. When she is face to face with the monster she says, “the white invaders have taken over your job, we aren’t scared of you anymore.” She does to trick the Wendigo into thinking that the white invaders are the enemies instead the natives. The Wendigo then yells at the woman because she cleverly tricked the creature away from harming the natives. The film ends with the Wendigo actually killing two white soldiers that were approaching the woman and ultimately saves the woman life. This film contained a lot of symbolism because it showed that the natives view the white settlers as a ravenous monster because the white settlers have repeatedly endangered their people and taken valuable items from their culture.The film was a very good perspective of what a native sees in our nation history.

July 18, 2018