Intro to American Indian Studies

Summer 2018

Zach Ross

When listening to everyone explain their papers today in class, the video game paper really stuck out to me. It stuck out because the games they made about indians back then were terrible. There was a game that had a man that would have to try and get to a indian woman with out being hit by a arrow and rape her. This is very disrespectful to the native people and really to the Native American women. They should not of let this game go out, it should of been shut down from the beginning.

I did like to hear that they made a video game for the young native Americans to learn their history and culture of their tribes. This is good to hear about because they are restoring the history to the youth so their culture doesn’t die.  They made a video game to teach it to the youth because younger kids are into video games and what better way to teach a kid something then with something they love to do. I think this is a very good way to teach a kid about their history and culture because it will get the kids interacted in the game.

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1 Comment

  1. mikerose July 20, 2018

    The video game Custer’s Revenge was maybe the most disrespectful thing we have learned about all year. I had a chance to search it and it is just as bad as you think it would be. Who in the right mind would ever make a game like this, not only are you promoting sexual violence, you are dehumanizing Native women. It is already bad enough that this game was made, but it is even worse that people played it and made a remake for it. It is just so sad to even think we have this shitty of people living in our world today and it disgusts me.


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