Intro to American Indian Studies

Summer 2018

Week 3 Post 3 – Mike Rose

I think the film we watched on Elouise Cobell all had a huge impact on all of us. Her courage and perseverance really was like no other. For fifteen years she fought and fought for what she believed was right, and you can’t forget that she did it without getting paid. This video also put a visual of the reservations in it and it really gave me goosebumps. The deal we made with them many years ago we just totally ignore and steal extra oil and don’t even give them the money that was promised. All I could think during the film was, “Does it ever stop?” I mean you literally don’t think it can get worse, but it continues to everyday in class.

The case by itself blew my mind also. First they thought they really deserved $100 billion. They only asked for around 27 billion dollars which is very generous because the U.S. government really owed them way more. It probably was way more than 100 billion considered many files were lost, that oil companies would lie about the amount of oil they extracted, and they would extract oil at night when no one was around. Then they compromised to 8 billion. Can you guess what happens next? Yep, it went down again to 3.4 billion until it finally got signed. Over and over we dehumanize these people and I really want it to stop.

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  1. mkthomps June 29, 2018

    I was almost in tears by the time the film ended. It was so heartbreaking to learn that no matter how hard she fought, the fight for the money still continues. The worst part is that a great injustice continues to go today.

  2. blengel June 29, 2018

    The film about Cobell really hit me hard. She had such a drive to her to do the right thing. She fought for the natives and for what they deserved. I know we talked about how she probably wouldn’t want to be viewed as a hero, but she was one.

    The way the natives lived on the reservation also was emotionally disturbing. I felt so bad for them. First, we take practically all of their land, and then give them the worst places to live without any money. It is just sickening.

    Going off of the “Does it ever stop?” comment. I feel the same way. It seems like we learn something that is just terrible and one of the worst things we could do to natives, then in the next class we read or watch something that is even worse. I’m hoping it doesn’t continue this way for the whole class, but it’s not looking too positive.

  3. Cam Seibert July 19, 2018

    Honestly when Mike described the situation the Native Americans are in and what they’ve been through it makes me sad. It makes me think about how much we hear about it which is close to never… I didn’t even know they were still here in the USA :-/ I hope things are gonna be carried out correctly soon!

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