Intro to American Indian Studies

Summer 2018

joey ramos blog 1 week 5

Monday July 9th my group gave a presentation on Fixico chapter 3. I personally learned a bunch from this chapter and am looking forward to continue reading this book throughout the rest of this class. I was very saddened and very happy in this chapter. I learned about the sad truth of how 49% of Native people who owned land only made about $200 dollars a year. That is a crazy low amount and almost seems impossible to live off of and feed a family if needed to do. Only 2% of the native land owners and farmers would not make more than $800 a year which does not seem like much. I looked it up and $800 has the same value and spending currency as $11,260 in todays day. So imagine only making about $900 a month for the whole year. That would be very difficult in todays age and would be a very tough time. And there was no dollar menu back then so they couldn’t go up to a fast food place. They had to buy the animal kill the animal. A bunch more work has to be done so it made the food deal way harder and made life a struggle. But the amount that they should be payed is way more than what they are receiving.

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