Intro to American Indian Studies

Summer 2018

Makayla Maxwell // Week 5 Blog 1

Today in class, we began to speak and learn about Indian resistance in the mid/ the late 1900s. I really enjoy learning about these types of things because it takes so much strength to actually stand up against a mass of people for what is right. And in some cases, their ways of protesting and activism are so extreme and mind-blowing. For example, like many things I learn about in this class, the Takeover of Alcatraz was something that I had never heard of, but the amount of bravery and pride that this group of Indians must have had to accomplish that after a couple failed attempts is incredible. Their manifesto statement was so sarcastic but yet effective. It brought attention to the terrible living conditions on reservations as well as the past treatment of Indians by white settlers. It’s nice to hear about the Indians having their own civil rights movements because as we’ve learned time and time again, Native Americans are so often left out of the race conversation. We hear about other minority issues so much but Indians are usually not mentioned. It was also nice to hear that the Native Americans were finally beginning to gain support and outreach in the 1960s. After years and years of being ignored and thrown to the side.

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  1. avestoll July 11, 2018

    I agree, it takes so much strength and bravery to stand up and speak out about your views and what is right. I also found the take-over of Alcatraz to be a very interesting and incredible feat. I especially liked how the American Indian Movement published the document saying how the living conditions of the Alcatraz prisoners is no different than the living conditions of Natives on reservations. I also found it interesting how the AIM people were able to occupy the island for any entire year. I agree that it is nice to see Natives having a civil rights movement of their own, they deserve it.

  2. zpete55 July 11, 2018

    I agree with what you are saying about how much courage it takes to stand up and protest, and the ways was they protest are pretty cool I thought as well. Like you said about Alcatraz Island I had never heard of that either I thought it was a very good way to show that they are still alive and trying to get a voice. I thought the manifesto statement also was super funny they way they used it to show how bad things are on the reservation are the same way they treated the prisoners in one of the world’s toughest prisons.

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