On July 18th to the 19th our class talked about defining what literature and the importance of stories. I have found stories are serve multiple different purposes and is connected to everything. I have been coming to this conclusion since the first day of class. From the first day of class we have learned about the inhumane acts the Spanish committed to the Indigenous people in the southern part of the Americas, but this was not enough the United States follows in the footsteps of the as the Spanish. The United States have taken the land, culture, resources, and have completely dehumanized the Native Americans. The United States continues to dehumanize the Native Americans, but is very slowly trying to make amends. The reason I say the United States is very slowly making amends is because of class like this one. Through Jen’s gift we have also become responsible for sharing the same gift given to us with others. We have a responsibility to share this gift with our friends, family, and those who do not understand Native American culture. Stories are just one person view and it is through the collection of all stories we can come to find out true truth in our world.
July 20, 2018