Quiz Quiz Test your knowledge! In a resting nerve cell _____ is mostly on the outside of the cell and ______ is mostly on the inside of the cell.Potassium, SodiumSodium, PotassiumSodium, SodiumPotassium, PotassiumThe sodium/potassium pump moves _______ into the cell and _____ out of the cell.Sodium, PotassiumATP, PotassiumPotassium, SodiumATP, SodiumHow is the resting membrane potential maintained?Leaky channelsTrapped anionsNa+/K+ ATPase pumpAll of the aboveHyperpolarization occurs because more _____ leaves the cell than _____ enters.Sodium, PotassiumPotassium, SodiumSolids, LiquidsLiquids, SolidsFaster conduction occurs along axons that are _______.PhosphorylatedMyelinatedUnmyelinatedCalcifiedAn action potential occurs when ______ is reached.ThresholdResting Membrane PotentialHyperpolarizationMyelinationWhen an action potential occurs _______ rushes out of the cell further depolarizing it.PotassiumAnionsSodiumATPThe refractory period occurs because the cell is ______.DepolarizedHyperpolarizedTiredDeadA large enough stimulus can create an action potential during the absolute refractory period.TrueFalseNeurotransmitters are released from the _______.Postsynaptic terminalPresynaptic dendritePresynaptic terminalPostsynaptic dendrite Δ