Intro to American Indian Studies

Summer 2018

Zach Petersen Post 2

After watching the movie 100 years, I have realized how bad the government treated the Native Americans with there money after the allotment act, and after fighting for 14 years they still did not get there money. Elouise Cobell was strong enough to stand up and fight for what was right she realized that there was a lot of elders in around her that were not getting the money they deserved from the oil companies. Some of the elders fought back on their own but where not able to get anything so for the longest time people just lived off little to no money. These people weren’t even able to grow their own food or keep live stock around because they didn’t have to money to do so and with the mining it was killing off the water supply and the vegetation.

With listening to everything that Elouise Cobell went through to try and get these people there money I realized that the 3.4 billion dollars that they actually got was not nearly enough money. I think that the 27.5 billion they originally purposed is what they should have gotten if not even more. The Native Americans should be able to handle their own money and not be parented by the United States government.

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  1. Amanda June 28, 2018

    After watching this documentary, I became extremely enraged even more than I already had been at our government system and the people running it for so many reasons. It made me so surprised to hear that the government had been holding the money of so many native people for so many years, just under 15 years until a decision was reached with this case. The film only touches the surface of showing the struggles that the native people faced in their daily life. I can only imagine all of the struggles they actually face. Our professor even expressed that although they did receive the settlement worth three billion dollars, many of the native elder people had passed away, including Elouise Cobell, before the settlement checks were distributed. So many people never got their own money back when they needed it most. It makes me think how selfish our government is for harboring the money of natives simply because the government feels native people do not know how to handle their own money.

  2. zjross June 29, 2018

    I agree that the US government should have given the Native Americans the 27.5 million and to be honest should of got way more than that. It not fair that they got to use there land and it ruined their water supply and they didn’t even have enough money to grow food. I also agree that it was very brave for Elouise Cobell to stand up for all the Natives even though she wasn’t getting paid. I also agree that that the US government doesn’t treat the Natives right becuase they think they can’t handle their own money. This isn’t fair to them because they don’t even give them a chance to even handle money.

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